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匹配条件: “ 吴属连” ,找到相关结果约109651条。
环境工程 , 2015, DOI: 10.13205/j.hjgc.201501004
Abstract: 构建目前广泛应用的复合垂直流人工湿地系统,从酶学角度探讨湿地主要污染物净化机理。通过对下行流-上行流复合人工湿地和下行流-下行流复合人工湿地2套系统磷酸酶、脲酶活性的测定发现,磷酸酶、脲酶活性随系统流程逐级降低,一级池磷酸酶、脲酶活性较高且日变化较大,同一一级池中磷酸酶、脲酶活性呈显著相关性。系统脲酶活性和TN去除率相关性显著,磷酸酶活性与TP去除率不存在显著相关性,磷酸酶、脲酶活性与COD去除率相关性亦不显著。
环境工程 , 2012, DOI: 10.13205/j.hjgc.201205008
Abstract: 近年来,利用人工湿地技术修复水环境,进而建设湿地公园成为一大热点,但人工湿地工艺存在不容忽视的缺陷。成都市凤凰河二沟湿地公园创新性的采用人工快渗+表面流人工湿地组合工艺修复水环境,两者互为补充,互为强化,COD、BOD5、氨氮、TP去除率分别达85%~95%、85%~95%、95%~98%、70%~80%,即使低温环境污染物降解效果也很稳定。
Exploration and Practice of Typical Rain-Source Urban River Ecological Management

黄蔚, , 侯萌萌, 黄静, 刘张凯, 刘博文
Advances in Environmental Protection (AEP) , 2024, DOI: 10.12677/AEP.2024.141003
Abstract: 深圳市坪山河是典型的雨源型城市河流。由于污染排放长期“量增质劣”,加上雨源型河流水文特征,坪山河长期黑臭缺水、鱼虾绝迹。近年来,深圳市坪山区采用创新型治污新思路,开展坪山河生态治理,实现从劣V类到地表水III类的跨越、河流常年碧波荡漾、水生生物种类大幅提高,为高度集约开发区域雨源型河流治理提供参考案例。
Pingshan River in Shenzhen is a typical rain-source urban river. Due to the long-term “quantity in-crease quality” of pollution discharge, coupled with the hydrological characteristics of rain-source rivers, the Pingshan River has long been black, smelly, short of water, and fish and shrimp have disappeared. In recent years, Pingshan District of Shenzhen has adopted innovative new ideas for pollution control to carry out ecological management of Pingshan River, realizing the crossing from inferior Class V to surface water class III, the perennial blue water of the river, and the species of aquatic organisms have been greatly increased, providing a reference case for the rain-source river management in highly intensive development areas.
The Influence of Shale Composition on Porosity in Dongying Depression

Advances in Geosciences (AG) , 2024, DOI: 10.12677/AG.2024.142020
Abstract: 以XRD分析、有机碳分析和GRI孔隙度测定为基础,探讨了东营凹陷古近系沙河街组三段页岩沉积有机质与矿物的赋存关系,页岩组分对孔隙度的控制作用,以及矿物转化对页岩孔隙度的影响。东营凹陷沙三段页岩中有机质丰度与碳酸盐矿物含量负相关,与粘土矿物含量正相关关系表明:页岩中的碳酸盐为非生物成因,页岩中有机质与粘土矿物共存。控制页岩的孔隙度的组分因素主要包括碳酸盐、粘土矿物和有机质丰度:孔隙度与碳酸盐含量负相关,与粘土矿物含量及有机质丰度正相关。在矿物转化过程中,蒙脱石向伊利石的转化不利于孔隙度的保持,方解石的白云石化对孔隙度增加有积极作用。
Based on XRD, TOC, and GRI porosity analysis, this work discusses the relationship between or-ganic matter and minerals in shales of 3rd member of the palaeogene Shahejie formation in Dongying depression, the control effect of shale components on porosity, and the influence of mineral transformation on porosity. The abundance of organic matter in shales of 3rd member of the Shahejie formation in the Dongying depression is negatively correlated with the content of carbonate minerals, and positively correlated with the content of clay minerals. This indicates that the carbonate in the shales is non-biogenic, and organic matter coexists with clay minerals. The compositional factors that control the porosity of shale mainly include carbonate, clay minerals, and organic matter abundance: porosity is negatively correlated with carbonate content, and positively correlated with clay mineral content and organic matter abundance. In the process of mineral transformation, the conversion of montmorillonite to illite has a harmful effect on the maintenance of porosity, while the dolomitization of calcite has a positive effect on the increase of porosity.
The Quality Standards of Biology Test Question of NMET—The Investigation Report Based on High School Students in Guangdong, Shandong and Tibet

珍珠,, 王健
Creative Education Studies (CES) , 2020, DOI: 10.12677/CES.2020.82034
In order to understand what the quality standards of biology test question of NMET are, we investi-gated high school students in Tibet, Shandong and Guangdong provinces. The results showed that to be fair, effective test subject knowledge and ability, the biology test question of NMET should be based on these fresh materials such as daily life biological phenomena or problems, hot social issues, research frontier or experiment etc, and these materials were shown up with charts and text, and the quality questions comprehensively examined multiple knowledge, while focusing on examining these abilities to reason, read charts, experiment and explore, creatively solve problems, especially comprehensively analyze and solve practical problems with multiple knowledge, etc.
水产学报 , 2013, DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2013.37402
Abstract: 几年来,中国南黄海海域连续暴发的绿潮灾害引起了广泛关注,为综合利用绿潮藻,实验采用国标规定方法,对2010年采自江苏和山东的绿藻类海藻的基本营养成分、叶绿素、氨基酸、矿质元素及其重金属含量进行了测定与分析。结果显示,碳水化合物占绿潮藻组成成分的35.82%~52.43%;粗蛋白含量随采集时间的不同变化较大,为31.04%~12.11%;粗脂肪含量很低,不足藻体的1%;叶绿素含量差异较大,随采集时间的延后其含量显著下降;氨基酸含量较高,其中必需氨基酸占总氨基酸的含量可达37.45%,呈味氨基酸天门冬氨酸、谷氨酸、甘氨酸和丙氨酸含量较高;矿质元素含量丰富,其中ca、fe、zn等含量都较高,重金属元素pb、hg、cd等含量均低于国家标准中的限量要求。固着绿藻的成分变化不明显。

力学与实践 , 1985,
Abstract: 一、前言圆柱壳在静水压力作用下的稳定性问题,实验与理论研究均较充分。而圆柱壳在轴向压力p和环向外压q任意复合作用下的稳定性问题的研究结果尚不一致。这样在设计应用中便出现困难。就以海洋石油管道的设计为例,石油管道(圆柱薄壳)由于使用及施工状

国土资源遥感 , 2003, DOI: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2003.04.07
Abstract: 探讨了一种新的光谱保持型的高通滤波融合(HPFF)算法。该算法先对参与融合的全色波段图像进行高通滤波,然后用滤波后的全色波段图像替换IHS正变换后的强度分量,再进行IHS逆变换,便得到HPFF融合图像。该图像色彩与TM图像一致,优于常规IHS变换法所得的图像。

力学与实践 , 1985, DOI: 10.6052/1000-0992-1985-098
Abstract: 圆柱壳在静水压力作用下的稳定性问题,实验与理论研究均较充分。而圆柱壳在轴向压力p和环向外压q任意复合作用下的稳定性问题的研究结果尚不一致。这样在设计应用中便出现困难。就以海洋石油管道的设计为例,石油管道(圆柱薄壳)由于使用及施工状...
心理科学 , 2014,
Abstract: 情绪能力(emotionalcompetence,简称ec)是近来教师心理的研究热点,但中国大陆对这方面的研究较为匮乏。本文在梳理国内外的相关文献后发现,教师ec的研究多集中于两方面,一是与教师职业倦怠、工作满意度、教学效能感等教师工作变量的相关关系研究,一是教师ec的干预。虽然目前已有一定的研究成果,但还存在概念不统一、研究较单一以及干预不够科学的问题。

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